Reporting in AnyHow

There are various levels, and types, of reporting in AnyHow. From the Organization level down to the Project level. Here we will discuss the various reporting within AnyHow.

Organization Level

The organization reporting section is a high level view of various aspects of the organization. This is more of a financial section as all the reports are referencing financials.

To get to the organization reports section simply:

  1. Click into the manage section.
  2. On the left menu find "Reports"
  3. Click on Reports

Here you will see reports that can be filtered by date ranges or pre-made filters. The reports shown is based on data within the date ranges or filters given.

The reports are the following:

  • Income Report - Total income for the organization.
  • Profit by Project - How much profit was gained per project.
  • Profit by Role - How much profit was gained per role.
  • Revenue by Client - Percentage break down of client revenue. Useful to help you avoid being overly dependent on a single client.

Project Level

You can view reports at the project level as well. This allows you to get a deeper insight into the project at both financial, budget, time, etc. levels.

To view a project reports you must go to the project detail page first. The quickest way is the following:

  1. On the left menu, find "Managed Projects" and click it.
  2. In the new drop down, find the client you want and click it.
  3. In the new drop down, find the project you want and click it.
  4. This will take you to the project detail page.
  5. Now you click on the Reports action

On this reports screen you will have various reports that are based on the entirety of the project. The reports are as follows:

  • Hours Summary to Date - This will display the hours budget and related details.
  • Amount Summary - This will display the financial budget and related details.
  • Billing Summary - This will display the billing details to date
  • Revenue - This will display all revenue details to date
  • Total Owed per Role - This will display the amount pending to be invoiced broken down by project roles.
  • Used Budget by Role - This will show how much of the financial budget has been used broken down by project roles.
  • Profit Amount - This will display the total profit and also total profit per project roles.
  • Profit Margin - This will display the total profit margin and also total profit margins per project roles.
  • Role Hours - Each project role will also have a report breaking down the role usage by assigned employees.

This screen is very insightful and has a lot of information. It's important to understand the reports and get familiar with them as you can refer to them for basically any project level report needed.